Monday, July 15, 2013

Oh yea it's all exciting over here!

You guys....We are in the midst of doing a whole lot of thing that feel like a whole lota nothings around here.  I know but it makes perfect sense in my brain.
Believe it or not..(you can chuckle with me if you've been following along with the building process) we didn't have toilet paper holders or door stops installed by our builder. That stuff was a bit of an afterthought for us because we got so tired of picking things out and were out of $.
But before we get to the exciting pictures of toilet paper holders let me show you our guest bathroom pulls!

I love the way they look with our rustic gray brown stain on the vanity.
Now before you think we are totally gross people I have to make myself feel better by saying that the drips on the cabinetry are where the stain didn't take as well because some glue apparently dripped down the wood at some point during construction.  In real life it's hardly noticeable but in the pics it's uh not so pretty.
So the guest cabinet went from this  

to this in a jiffy.  These pulls are from signature hardware and may not be ideal to use as bathroom pulls for every situation but for us they were perfect.

Oh now the fun stuff...


Powder bath

Whabaam!  We don't have to bend down and pick it up off the floor now.  This is big stuff my friends.

Master bath toilet closet...

 Oh Yeah!

Can't handle the excitement?  
Well this will put you over the edge!

We have door stops!  And..lots of little piles of sawdust to clean up that I might get to next week.  Priorities guys!

Well thanks for following along on another awesome decorating adventure with me....Until next month!



Dana Frieling said... Best Blogger Tips

Best thing I've seen all day...toilet holders and drawer pulls! ;) It's the little pleasures in life, right?